July 13, 2022 Lisle Township Board Meeting

The July 13, 2022 Lisle Township Board Meeting is open to both employees and to the public. There are two ways to participate: in-person or by audio / video conference. The in-person Board Meeting will be at the Lisle Township Offices at 4711 Indiana Avenue, Lisle, IL in the Board Room. 

The Zoom link for remote attendance is:   https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqduGpqTIuEtz6tGVXx93az0eslUhBi8b5

The meeting will also be video recorded and posted online to the Lisle Township YouTube channel (bit.ly/LT-YT20). Public comments are welcome via this link: https://bit.ly/07-13-22-public-comment

Agenda Lisle Township Board Meeting ___________________________________________________________

Wednesday July 13,  2022

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to flag

  2. Roll Call

  3. Public Comments

  4. Approval of the May 11, 2022 Minutes

  5. Approval of the June 8th, 2022 Minutes

  6. Reviewing the New Website

  7. Update on Mosquito Abatement Program 

  8. Update on the Food Pantry

  9. Update on General Assistance and Emergency Assistance

  10. Update on Grants

  11. Reports of Elected Officials

  12. Audit of Expenditures

  13. Adjournment

People with disabilities are welcome to our Board Meetings. The Lisle Township office is wheelchair accessible.