What Can Be Recycled, Reused, or Composted, How & Where At?
We all share the environment here in Lisle Township. There is a lot to know, learn and stay updated about recycling, reusing, and reducing. We have partnered with several organizations to help become a resource for the community. DuPage County has a very helpful website with an environmental component that is a resource to check out.
Recycling is divided into two general categories: curbside and non-curbside (drop-off) recycling.
For more detailed information about what can and can not be placed in your curbside recycling bin at home, visit DuPage County Recycling Bin Information and check out the video about Wishcycling. DuPage County created an excellent digital online guide that has been developed for non-curbside recycling drop-offs.
Lisle Township is currently working with SCARCE, eWorks, DuPage County, Lion’s Club, and Working Bikes to securely collect electronics, textiles, clothes, bikes, bike accessories, books, new office supplies, new school supplies, glasses, hearing aids, musical instruments, scrap metal, crayons, bread tags, and puzzles. All textiles need to be bagged.
There is a small fee for TVs and computer screens. $25 for 21 inches and under. Over 21 inches is $35. Payment can be made in advance at http://recycling.eworksesi.org/.
Lisle Township collects items for recycling Monday - Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at 4711 Indiana Ave., Lisle Call (630)968 - 2087 for any questions. Stop in at the office to give any screen receipts to the receptionist and be directed to where to drop off your recyclables. You will need to be able to carry them to the area, usually the cart in the reception area. Please do not drop off items outside of the listed hours.
Do you wonder what to do with hazardous materials? This is a list of hazardous materials that will be accepted and some that are not. Anyone in IL can use it at 156 Fort Hill Drive, Naperville, IL 60540.
Hours of operation are Saturdays and Sundays, 9 A.M. - 2 P.M., excluding holidays. No materials may be dropped off outside of these hours. If you have any questions during the week, please call (630) 420-6095.
Check out the following page for more details of where to go with what.
State law prohibits the placement of any rechargeable or lead acid battery into curbside recycling bins.
Bicycles and Accessories
Have a bicycle that has become a coat rack or your little one has out grown?
Books will be reused first then if not possible pulped.
Bubble Wrap and Packing Peanuts
Bubble wrap and packing peanuts are a part of modern living.
Car Donation Options
What happens when you wish to donate your car?
Car Seats
When the little one grows out of their car seat, what next?
Do you have a carpet that you would like to recycle?
Cell Phones
You can trade them in to your provider or sell them back or donate them to be wiped and recycled.
Are you not sure where to go with your nicely worn clothes or your worn pieces? Here are a variety of great options.
Some municipalities offer a pick up, you can drop yours in various places or you can do your own.
Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling
Do you have construction or demolition debris questions? Check this out.
Cooking Oil
Do you have used or expired cooking oil?
Do you have left over crayons likely not to be used?
Do you have electronics you wish to properly dispose of?
Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids
Do you have some older glasses prescriptions? Do you have some older hearing aids?
Fire Extinguisher
Fire extinguishers need to be maintained. After the point of maintaining then what?
Has a flag gotten tattered?
Foam Food Containers, Styrofoam & Packaging
Foam Food Containers & Packaging
Do you have furniture that you want to be done with but are not sure where?
Hard to Recycle Items
Hard to Recycle Items
Hazardous Waste
Do you wonder what to do with hazardous materials?
Holiday Lights
Do you have holiday lights that no longer work? Do you have parts to holiday lights that you wish to recycle well?
Ink Cartridges and Toner
here are so many options for what to do with the collection of ink cartridges that gather with printers.
Light Bulbs, CFLs and Fluorescent Tubes
Where do you put light bulbs when they burn out?
Have an extra mattress?
Medical Equipment
Do you have old medical equipment that could use a new home?
What do you do with medications that are outdated or no longer needed? Do not flush them down a toilet or put them in the trash or they may end up in the drinking water.
Needles and Sharps
Do you have needles or sharps that need proper disposal?
Office and School Supplies
Do you have like new office supplies or school supplies that could still be used?
Paper Document Shredding
Do you have documents that need to be shredded?
Do you have any extra paint that you are done with?
Plastic Bags
Plastic bags come with most purchases. How can we reduce putting so many in landfills?
Propane Tanks and Gas Cylinders
Do you have an old propane tank or gas cylinder that is just sitting around?
Reuse Shops
Reuse Shops and thrift stores are wonderful places to find new reuses for things that you are done with.
Scrap Metal
Do you have a scrap metal building in a pile in your garage that needs a place to go to?
What happens when you have finished wearing your shoes?
Smoke Detectors
Smoke Detectors contain radioactive materials that shouldn’t be thrown in the trash. You have a variety of options to properly dispose of them.
What are textiles? According to Vocabulary.com, “A textile is something made by knitting, weaving, or crocheting fibers together. A textile is a cloth”.
Did you come up with an extra tire in your garage?
TV Screens and Computer Screens
Do you need to dispose of an old computer screen or TV? Check out these options.
Video Tapes, Games, and CD's
Do you have video tapes, games, or CDs that are no longer used?