DuPage ROSC is conducting a community survey in collaboration with IDHS/SUPR. The survey questions align with five priority goals of ROSCs in the state of Illinois:
Stigma Reduction
Promoting Medication Assisted Recovery (MAR)
Promoting Harm Reduction
Ensuring Effective Service Delivery
Prioritizing Equity
The information collected will be reported back to IDHS/SUPR, and will be used to help direct our efforts in the coming year. The survey only takes around 5-10 minutes to complete, but the data collected is crucial for us. Please feel free to share with your networks, clients, friends, family, and loved ones. The more people we can get to complete this survey, the better!
DuPage ROSC Survey in English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SL2YRWN
DuPage ROSC Survey in Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YHFHFXH
Lisle Township Community
Mental Health Board Funding - 2024
The LTCMHB is happy to share this introduction to several of the agencies that they have added to the mental health services available to residents of Lisle Township
LTCMH 708 Board Funded Agencies 2024