Lisle Twp 708 MHB FOIA Requests
If you would like to make a formal FOIA Request for public records access, please submit the form below with your request of information.
If you would not like to use the form below and would instead like to submit a formal written request for public records from Lisle Township, please submit an email detailing the documents that you are requesting. A sample request is provided below as well for your reference with all information needed for your request.
The email should be sent to our Freedom of Information Officer:
Lisle Twp 708 MHB FOIA Officer, Board Chair
Lisle Twp 708 MHB Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request Form
Please complete the form below to submit a Freedom of Information Act request. If you prefer to email or mail a letter, a sample is provided by clicking on the “Sample FOIA” button.